Our multi collagen
Not all collagen is the same: a total of 28 different types of collagen are currently known. The individual types contain different amino acids that fulfil dedicated tasks in the human body - e.g. for the skin, joints, bones, blood vessels, organs and more.
Why multi collagen?
Essential types of collagen
Each type of collagen fulfills specific tasks in different tissues and organs of the body. The functions range from the firmness of the skin and the elasticity of cartilage to the stabilisation of tissue and ossification of cartilage (bone formation). With our specially formulated Multi Collagen in powder or capsule form, you can provide your body with a comprehensive supply of all essential collagen types.
Type 1 collagen
Type 1 collagen is mainly found in the skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, teeth and other connective tissue structures of the body. In the skin, it makes up a large part of the dermis tissue and is responsible for the elasticity, firmness and structure of the skin. In bones, collagen type 1 forms the scaffolding of the bone matrix, which is crucial for their strength and structure. In tendons and ligaments, it contributes to the flexibility and resilience of these tissues and enables movement and stability in the joints.
Type 2 collagen
Type 2 collagen is predominantly present in the hyaline cartilage tissue of the body, which covers the joints and protects them from friction and wear. It is also found in other cartilage tissues, such as the menisci, intervertebral discs and cartilage structures of the airways. Type 2 collagen is crucial to the structure and function of these tissues, allowing joints to move smoothly and maintain their health and integrity.
Type 3 collagen
Type 3 collagen is mainly found in connective tissue structures, especially in the reticular fibres of connective tissue. It is abundant in organs such as the liver, lungs, spleen and lymph nodes, where it supports the structure and function of these organs. In addition, collagen type 3 is present in the skin, particularly in the reticular layer of the dermis, where it contributes to firmness and elasticity. The main function of collagen type 3 is to provide structural support and strength to various connective tissue structures in the body.
Type 5 collagen
Type 5 collagen is mainly found in various types of connective tissue in the human body. It is particularly abundant in tissues such as the skin, tendons, ligaments and bones. In these tissues, collagen type 5 supports structural integrity and strength and contributes to the formation of stable collagen fibrils and networks. It is also found in other tissues, such as the eyes and blood vessels, where it also fulfils important structural functions.
Type 10 collagen
Type 10 collagen is predominantly present in cartilaginous tissues, particularly in hypertrophic cartilage formed during skeletal development. The main function of collagen type 10 is to regulate the formation and development of joints during skeletal development. During endochondral bone formation, collagen type 10 acts as a structural scaffold in hypertrophic cartilage, which is required for mineralisation and transformation into bone tissue.
Natural, pure and clean
Ingredients: 100% patented collagen peptides from pork, fish and eggshell membrane. Specially formulated for a holistic supply of the body with the essential collagen types I, III, V and X. Only the pure product, no other additives - our promise to you.
Why multi collagen from the Kollagen Institut?
A unique combination
The composition of the collagen product is crucial for a comprehensive supply of all essential collagen types to the body. Our Multi-Collagen consists of 100% patented collagen peptides of collagen types I, II, V and X. The collagen peptides are optimised for specific physiological functions using a special manufacturing process. The cells in the skin (fibroblasts), in the joints (chondrocytes) and in the bones (osteoplasts) are specifically stimulated.
Clinical studies confirm effectiveness
The effectiveness of the individual collagen peptides has been tested and confirmed in a whole series of scientific studies:
- Reduction of wrinkles and fine lines (study: Proksch et al., 2013)
- Increase in hair follicle cells (hair thickness) (study: Oesser, 2020)
- Reduction of knee joint pain and improvement in mobility (study: Zdzieblik et al., 2017)
We have listed further studies below.
Quality from Europe
Our Multi Collagen is of uncompromising product quality and is produced exclusively in Germany and Spain and tested for purity in the laboratory. We deliberately focus on naturalness and do not use any additives, preservatives, colourings, sweeteners or artificial flavourings.
Kollagen Institut: What sets us apart
Patented peptides
Clinically proven and patented peptides. Natural results, science-based.
Pure products
We consciously avoid preservatives, additives, colorings, sweeteners and artificial flavors. We only want to offer you the best, pure products.
Guaranteed satisfaction
We promise you will be satisfied with our collagen. Otherwise you will get your money back.
The science behind Multi Collagen from the Kollagen Institut
Bioactive peptides vs. simple collagen
Not all collagen is the same. ‘Ordinary’ collagen is obtained by hydrolysis from animal raw materials. The special thing about our bioactive collagen peptides is that they are obtained in a highly controlled collagen production process, which is determined by the hydrolysis conditions. Through ‘enzymatic hydrolysis’, special collagen peptides are obtained that are optimised for their particular physiological function. This allows the peptides to be used specifically in the body to achieve desired effects, such as the stimulation of skin cells or bone cells.
Collagen metabolism
The aim of taking collagen peptides is to stimulate the body's own collagen metabolism and thus increase the collagen content in the body. This happens in two ways: Firstly, the bioactive collagen peptides provide the body with valuable building blocks in the form of collagen-typical amino acids. Secondly, they stimulate cell synthesis. Specifically, the peptides reach the respective target cells (fibroblasts, chondrocytes, osteoblasts) in the body via the bloodstream. By interacting with the cell receptors, they stimulate the cells to produce more extracellular matrix or bone matrix, including collagen and other components such as elastin, proteoglycans, hyaluronic acid, etc. This stimulates the body's extracellular matrix. This stimulates the body's own collagen metabolism and the body produces more collagen.
Fibroblasts (skin)
Fibroblasts are specialised cells that occur in various tissues of the body, especially in connective tissue. Their main function is the production and repair of components of the extracellular matrix such as collagen, elastin and proteoglycans. This matrix forms the basic framework of the tissue and supports its structural integrity and function. In the skin, fibroblasts are crucial for the production of collagen and elastin, which influence the firmness, elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.
Chondrocytes (cartilage)
Chondrocytes are specialised cells found in cartilage tissue. Their main function is to produce and maintain the extracellular matrix of cartilage. The extracellular matrix is a complex mixture of proteins, including collagen and proteoglycans, and other molecules that give cartilage structure, strength and elasticity.
Osteoblasts (bones)
Osteoblasts are specialised cells in bone tissue. Their main function is to build up bone tissue by producing and mineralising bone matrix. The bone matrix consists mainly of collagen fibres and other proteins that form the structural basis of bone.
Extracellular matrix (ECM)
The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a complex network of proteins, glycoproteins and other molecules that surrounds cells in tissues and organs. It provides structural support, enables cell communication, regulates cell functions and stores growth factors. The ECM influences cell adhesion, migration, proliferation and differentiation, which is essential for tissue homeostasis and organ function. Disruptions can lead to diseases such as cancer and arthritis.
Our multi collagen products
Multi Collagen Powder Type I, II, V, X
Regular price €29,95 EURRegular priceUnit price €24,96 / per 100g€34,95 EURSale price €29,95 EURSale -
3 x Multi Collagen Powder Type I, II, V, X
Regular price €69,95 EURRegular priceUnit price €19,43 / per 100g€104,85 EURSale price €69,95 EURSale -
Multi Collagen Capsules Type I, II, V, X
Regular price €29,95 EURRegular priceUnit price €47,54 / per 100g€34,95 EURSale price €29,95 EURSale -
3 x Multi Collagen Capsules Type I, II, V, X
Regular price €69,95 EURRegular priceUnit price €37,01 / per 100g€104,85 EURSale price €69,95 EURSale -
6 x Multi Collagen Capsules Type I, II, V, X
Regular price €119,95 EURRegular priceUnit price €31,73 / per 100g€209,70 EURSale price €119,95 EURSale -
6 x Multi Collagen Powder Type I, II, V, X
Regular price €119,95 EURRegular priceUnit price €16,66 / per 100g€209,70 EURSale price €119,95 EURSale -
Multi Collagen Capsules type I, II, V, X for travel
Regular price €8,95 EURRegular priceUnit price €71,03 / per 100gSold out
Let customers speak for us
from 308 reviewsIch habe bereits verschiedene Kollagen Pulver getestet, dieses Kollagen Pulver übertrifft bis jetzt alles, angefangen von der Wirkung bis zur Löslichkeit!
Wirklich geschmacksfrei, nicht wie andere Kollegen-Produkte, die ich früher probiert habe.
Scheint nach ungefähr vier Wochen gegen Falten und Alterszeichen zu wirken.
Verpackung und Design:
Das Kollagenpulver kommt in einem Glasbehälter, der ist hochwertig und wiederverwendbar. Alle wichtigen Informationen zu Inhaltsstoffen und Anwendung sind gut sichtbar und leicht verständlich aufgedruckt.
Inhaltsstoffe und Zusammensetzung:
Das Produkt enthält ein speziell optimiertes Kollagen aus Kollagen-Hydrolysat-Peptiden. Weitere Zusätze gibt es nicht. Das finde ich besonders gut, da viele Hersteller gerne noch allerlei unnötige (und billige) Zusatzstoffe reinmischen, so dass das Produkt dann 500g oder so hat, aber da gar nicht so viel Kollagen drin ist.
Geschmack und Anwendung:
Weiteres Highlight für mich: Kein Geschmack. Ich bin inzwischen jeden künstlichen Geschmack (Zitrone, Kirsche, Waldmeister, Ananas, etc. pp.) leid. Nicht nur schmeckt es irgendwann nicht mehr, sondern die Zusatzstoffe sind im Zweifel auf Dauer auch nicht so gesund. Anders hier. Das Pulver lässt sich schnell und problemlos in Wasser auflösen, ohne Klümpchen zu bilden. Top für die tägliche Einnahme.
Nach mehrwöchiger, regelmäßiger Einnahme habe ich erste Verbesserung an meiner linken Schulter bemerkt. Ich habe jetzt auch keine Wunder erwartet, aber wenn es so weitergeht, bin ich zufrieden.
Habe mich die längste Zeit vor Kollagen gesträubt, da ich nichts einnehmen wollte, was vom Rind stammt. Dann habe ich die vegetarische Variante vom Kollagen Institut entdeckt. Für mich ist das Kollagen eine hochwertige, gut verträgliche Lösung, die sich in meinen Alltag integrieren lässt. Früher hatte ich mit Gelenkschmerzen zu kämpfen ... eine unangenehme Begleiterscheinung der Wechseljahre denke ich. Doch seit ich das Kollagen regelmäßig nehme, sind die Schmerzen verschwunden. Ein unerwarteter Bonus ist der positive Effekt auf meine Haut, was für mich ursprünglich eher zweitrangig war.
Die Kollagenkapseln sind angenehm klein und lassen sich leicht schlucken. Bei einer empfohlenen Dosis von 6 Kapseln pro Tag reicht eine Packung für einen Monat. Für alle, die Kollagen als Nahrungsergänzung nutzen möchten, ist dieses Produkt eine gute Wahl: Die Einnahme ist unkompliziert, und die Kapseln haben keinen unangenehmen Nachgeschmack. Insgesamt ein gutes Produkt, das ich empfehlen kann!
Ich verwende das Multi-Kollagen vom Kollagen Institut nun schon seit sechs Monaten und mische jeden Morgen einen Teelöffel (ca 5 Gramm) in eine Tasse schwarzen Tee. Das Pulver ist wirklich geschmacksneutral, was ich sehr schätze – andere Kollagenpulver hatten oft einen leichten Nachgeschmack, den ich hier nicht bemerke. Es löst sich auch hervorragend auf und bildet keine Klumpen. Bin komplett überzeugt von der Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit des Produktes - das Multi Kollagen ist und bleibt mein Lieblingskollagen.
hier meine ersten eindrücke: ich schmecke im kaffee gar nix, und im wasser vielleicht einen leichten fischgeschmack? bin nicht sicher, es stört aber auf keinen fall. löslichkeit ist top, vor allem sind die portionen (ein teelöffel) sehr angenehm. an den gelenken tut sich bislang nix (nach drei wochen), aber meine haare wirken etwas voller und kräftiger - kann auch einbildung sein, schwer zu sagen, aber was solls. soweit geht es in die richtige richtung. kann gerne weiterso gehen
Ich habe sowohl die Kapseln für meine Frau als auch das Pulver für mich bestellt. Leider war das Pulver nicht so gut für mich... fühlte mich ziemlich aufgebläht. Bin daher umgestiegen auf die Kapseln - die sind für mich viel besser verträglich! Bin nun ca vier Wochen dabei, und erste positive Anzeichen gibt es an meinen Knien...!
Die veganen Kollagenkapseln kamen in einem braunen Apothekerglas mit Schraubverschluss. Das Glas war versiegelt, das Etikett wirkt hochwertig.
Mit 180 Kapseln pro Glas reicht die Packung durchaus lange. Die Kapseln sind ok von der Größe (es muss ja auch etwas Produkt in den Körper) und lassen sich gut schlucken.
Die vegane Zusammensetzung ist für mich kein Muss, macht es aber für mich sehr angenehm, da ich weiß, dass ich hier keinem Tier schade. Überzeugend für mich ist, dass das vegane Kollagen in Studien einen Unterschied gemacht hat. Das ist bei den meisten Konkurrenzprodukten nicht der Fall.
Das Knochen-Kollagen hat mich positiv überrascht! Nach ein paar Wochen regelmäßiger Einnahme fühle ich eine deutliche Verbesserung in meinen Gelenken – sie sind weniger steif, und ich habe insgesamt weniger Beschwerden. Bin ein großer Pulver-Fan, ist für mich einfacher als Pillen. Kleiner Goodie am Rande: Meiner Haut gehts auch besser.
Kollagen speziell entwickelt für Haut Haare Nägel. Packung hat bei mir einen Monat gereicht. Typ 1 Kollagen vom Fisch. Anwendung ist unkompliziert: Einfach 4 Kapseln pro Tag einnehmen, fertig. Alles made in Germany, somit hohe Qualität. Daher klare Empfehlung.
Habe die Kapseln erneut bestellt, weil ich mit der Wirkung wirklich zufrieden bin. Gelenkschmerzen im Knie sind merklich besser geworden --- erleichtert meinen Alltag deutlich. Besonderes Highlight für mich: Das Produkt ist wissenschaftlich geprüft - das heisst hier wurden echte klinische Studien gemacht ob das Produkt was bringt.
Die Lieferung und Verpackung waren einwandfrei – das Kollagenpulver kommt in einem eleganten, hochwertigen Glas, was direkt einen positiven ersten Eindruck hinterlässt. Ich rühre jeden Morgen einfach einen Teelöffel in meinen Kaffee, und das Pulver ist zumindest für meinen Gaumen geschmacksneutral. So lässt es sich ganz mühelos in meine Morgenroutine integrieren. Angesichts der hohen Qualität des Produkts ist der Preis fair.
Habe das Kollagen für meine Mutter gekauft. Mit zunehmendem Alter nimmt ja die Knochenstärke ab und sie verträgt die Knochen-Medikamente nicht so richtig. Daher die Ergänzung durch Kollagen. Das Kollagen ist gut verträglich und sie hat keinerlei Nebenwirkungen wie zB Probleme bei der Verdauung. Bin mal gespannt, was das Ergebnis ist, wenn die nächste Messung der Knochenmineraldichte angeht... aber ich habe ein gutes Gefühl. Die Studien, die hier zum Kollagen gemacht wurden, sind überzeugend.
Sehr zufrieden. hilft für die hautpflege, mindert feine linien und verbessert die hautstruktur. hohe dosierung, zu 100% rein und ohne zusätze - genau das was ich gesucht habe. Supi supi supi
Scientific studies with bioactive collagen peptides
Study: Reduction of wrinkles and fine lines
Study: “Oral Intake of Specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides Reduces Skin Wrinkles and Increases Dermal Matrix Synthesis”
Authors: E. Proksch, M. Schunck, V. Zague, D. Segger, J. Degwert, S. Oesser
Published in: Skin Pharmacology and Physiology
Publication date: December 24, 2013
Participants: 114
Duration: 8 / 12 weeks
Results and conclusions: The oral intake of specific collagen peptides led to a pronounced, statistically significant reduction in the volume of wrinkles in the eyes and had a positive effect on the synthesis of the dermal matrix.
Link: https://t.ly/vDj6I
Study: Reduction of cellulite
Study: “Dietary Supplementation with Specific Collagen Peptides Has a Body Mass Index-Dependent Beneficial Effect on Cellulite Morphology”
Authors: Michael Schunck, Vivian Zague, Steffen Oesser, Ehrhardt Proksch
Published in: Journal of Medicinal Food
Publication date: December 17, 2015
Participants: 105
Duration: 6 months
Results and conclusions: The study showed that regular intake of specific bioactive collagen peptides over a period of 6 months led to a significant improvement in the appearance of the skin in women suffering from moderate cellulite. Treatment with specific bioactive collagen peptides led to a statistically significant reduction in the degree of cellulite and reduced skin rippling on the thighs in women of normal weight. In addition, skin density was significantly improved compared to placebo.
Link: https://t.ly/YpE17
Study: Reduction in knee pain
Study: “Improvement of activity-related knee joint discomfort following supplementation of specific collagen peptides”
Authors: Denise Zdzieblik, Steffen Oesser, Albert Gollhofer, Daniel König
Published in: Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism
Publication date: June 2017
Participants: 139
Duration: 12 weeks
Results and conclusions: The study showed that supplementation of specific collagen peptides resulted in a statistically significant improvement in activity-related joint pain in young adults with functional knee problems. The results also showed a statistically significant improvement in pain under resting conditions, but no significance was found compared to placebo.
Link: https://t.ly/pr1dm
Study: Improvement of cartilage tissue
Study: “Change in knee osteoarthritis cartilage detected by delayed gadolinium enhanced magnetic resonance imaging following treatment with collagen hydrolysate: a pilot randomized controlled trial”
Authors: T.E. McAlindon, M. Nuite, N. Krishnan, R. Ruthazer, L.L. Price, D. Burstein, J. Griffith, K. Flechsenhar
Published in: Osteoarthritis and Cartilage
Publication date: February 17, 2011
Participants: 30
Duration: 24 / 48 weeks
Results and conclusions: By analysing the cartilage scans, the study showed a statistically significant increase in proteoglycan density in the medial and lateral areas of the tibia in patients treated with collagen hydrolyzate compared to the placebo group. According to the results, the oral intake of collagen hydrolysate has a direct effect on human cartilage tissue.
Link: https://t.ly/qulhG
Study: Improvement in bone formation
Study: “Effects of oral intake of collagen peptides on bone markers-a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel-group, comparison study”
Authors: S. Shimotsuma, T. Yamamoto, S. Mori, M. Morita
Published in: Japanese Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Publication date: January 2019
Participants: 24
Duration: 12 weeks
Results and conclusions: After 12 weeks of oral intake of specific collagen peptides from pig skin, the serum biomarker of bone metabolism was significantly better in the test group than in the placebo group. The results indicate that the daily intake of collagen peptides from pig skin could have a positive effect on bone formation.
Link: https://t.ly/r8VuS
Study: Reduction of bone loss
Study: “A Calcium-Collagen Chelate Dietary Supplement Attenuates Bone Loss in Postmenopausal Women with Osteopenia: A Randomized Controlled Trial”
Authors: Marcus L. Elam, Sarah A. Johnson, Shirin Hooshmand, Rafaela G. Feresin, Mark E. Payton, Jennifer Gu, Bahram H. Arjmandi
Published in: Journal of Medicinal Food
Publication date: March 2015
Participants: 39
Duration: 6-12 months
Results and conclusions: The study showed the long-term efficacy of a calcium collagen chelate (CC) supplement in reducing bone loss in postmenopausal women with osteopenia.
Link: https://t.ly/N7dnU
Would you like to find out more about Multi Collagen? Gladly:
The best collagen types for your joint health
We explain the importance of collagen for joint health and how its decline with age can lead to discomfort. We discuss different types of collagen and their benefits as well as the effect of collagen supplements on the joints. We also show natural measures for joint health.
All the benefits of fish collagen
What is marine collagen? Find out everything you need to know about marine collagen, such as the production of fish collagen, the special features and differences between marine collagen and other types of collagen and how you can incorporate collagen from fish into your everyday life with collagen products and a healthy diet. Discover all the benefits of fish collagen for your health and beauty.
Collagen and hair growth: basics, connections and misconceptions
In this blog article, we explain the basics of hair growth and the function of collagen. We describe how collagen supports hair health and promotes growth. We introduce natural collagen sources and collagen supplements and show how other lifestyle factors influence hair growth.
Collagen hydrolysate: sources, production methods, nutritional value and health benefits
What exactly is collagen hydrolysate? We discuss the sources of collagen hydrolysate and explain its production methods. We analyse the special properties of collagen hydrolyzate and its health benefits. Finally, we describe how to include collagen hydrolysate in your diet.
Understanding collagen: Collagen types I, II, III
To understand collagen and its effects, we present the most common types of collagen. Discover collagen types I, II, III and their importance for skin, hair, bones and joints. You will also find out how to incorporate collagen into your everyday life and how to make the best choice of collagen supplements.
Collagen: The basics
In this article, we cover the basics of collagen, the body's key protein. We describe the different types of collagen and explain why collagen is so important for your body and your health. Finally, we give tips on how best to incorporate collagen into your diet.
FAQs about multi collagen
What is collagen?
Collagen is a vital protein in the body. It is one of the building blocks of skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles, hair, nails and cartilage.
Why add collagen?
As we age, the body's own collagen production decreases. On average, from the age of 25 onwards, the amount of collagen in the skin decreases by almost 2% per year. By the age of 60, most people have approximately 80% less collagen in their skin than they did at age 25.
Why add multi collagen?
Not all collagen is the same. There are a large number of so-called "collagen types". Each type of collagen fulfills specific functions and tasks in different tissues and organs of the body. Type 1, for example, is primarily responsible for the firmness of the skin, while type 2 contributes to the firmness and elasticity of cartilage. Type 5 supports the stabilization of tissues (e.g. hair), while type 10 plays an important role in the ossification of cartilage (bone formation). Our balanced Multi Collagen provides your body with a comprehensive supply of essential collagen types.
Why Multi Collagen from the Kollagen Institut?
Our product contains all essential collagen types, consists of 100% pure collagen without additives, is of the highest quality and is scientifically proven to be truly effective.
How quickly will I start to see first results?
Results vary based on metabolism, consistency, health, and age. Some customers have reported improvements within a few weeks, while others see gradual progress over months. Consistency with your supplement regimen is key for optimal outcomes.
How do I take multi collagen?
If you opt for the collagen powder, we recommend mixing the collagen into your favourite drink for daily use. Whether hot or cold, coffee or water, simply stir in two teaspoons and you have the perfect concoction. Alternatively, you can also stir the collagen into dishes such as soups. The collagen powder is neutral in flavour and easily soluble.
If you opt for the collagen capsules, we recommend taking the recommended daily dosage with a large glass of liquid at mealtimes.
Is Multi Collagen the right collagen for you?
There are many factors that influence the choice of the right collagen for you. But collagen is only effective if it is precisely tailored to your needs. With our product finder, we analyse your needs and find the right collagen for you.