The Kollagen Institut blog

In our blog, we dive into the fascinating world of collagen and its benefits for your health and beauty. Find out everything that is important for you here. If you can't find a topic, please send us a message!

Kollagen Institut Blog

Kollagen und Anti-Aging: Wie es deine Haut wirklich beeinflusst

Collagen and anti-ageing: How it really affects...

Collagen and anti-ageing - how are they connected? Find out here!

Collagen and anti-ageing: How it really affects...

Collagen and anti-ageing - how are they connected? Find out here!

Was zerstört Kollagen? Die größten Feinde gesunder Haut und Gelenke

What destroys collagen? The biggest enemies of ...

Find out everything about the biggest enemies of healthy skin and joints! 

What destroys collagen? The biggest enemies of ...

Find out everything about the biggest enemies of healthy skin and joints! 

Wie Kollagen gegen Cellulite hilft:  Ein wissenschaftlicher Ansatz

How collagen helps against cellulite: a scienti...

Smoother skin despite cellulite? Discover how collagen strengthens your connective tissue and visibly reduces dimples!

How collagen helps against cellulite: a scienti...

Smoother skin despite cellulite? Discover how collagen strengthens your connective tissue and visibly reduces dimples!


Collagen during pregnancy: benefits and importa...

Find out all the benefits of collagen during pregnancy and breastfeeding!

Collagen during pregnancy: benefits and importa...

Find out all the benefits of collagen during pregnancy and breastfeeding!

Bioaktive Collagen Peptide vs. Kollagenhydrolysat - Was ist besser?

Bioactive Collagen Peptides vs. Collagen Hydrol...

Learn the difference between hydrolyzed collagen peptides and bio-active collagen peptides to decide which best fits your health goals and budget.

Bioactive Collagen Peptides vs. Collagen Hydrol...

Learn the difference between hydrolyzed collagen peptides and bio-active collagen peptides to decide which best fits your health goals and budget.

Ernährung in den Wechseljahren: Vorbeugung des Osteoporoserisikos mit Kollagen

Essential Nutrition for Menopause: Preventing O...

Most women don't know that loss of estrogen during menopause significantly increases osteoporosis risk.  The science shows that women taking collagen show an increase in bone density, and reduced fractures.

Essential Nutrition for Menopause: Preventing O...

Most women don't know that loss of estrogen during menopause significantly increases osteoporosis risk.  The science shows that women taking collagen show an increase in bone density, and reduced fractures.