Was sind die Symptome für einen Kollagen-Mangel?

What are the symptons of a collagen deficiency?

Collagen is the main protein in connective tissue. It is present throughout the body and plays a vital role in the structure of the skin, bones, tendons and cartilage. Most of the mechanical properties of these tissues (tone, elasticity, strength, etc.) are largely due to collagen fibres. Unfortunately, the expression of this protein, as essential as it is, diminishes with age or under pressure from external factors.


menschliches Gewebe

Origin of collagen deficiency

Ageing: collagen production naturally decreases with age. This is an almost inevitable process that has yet to be fully understood. However, we do know that, on average, collagen production decreases by 1-2% every year from the age of 25.

Environmental factors

  • Ultraviolet light: it has been established that prolonged exposure to UV light leads to the breakdown of large quantities of collagen in the skin.
  • Pollution: atmospheric gases and pollutants of all kinds are responsible for collagen breakdown, particularly in the mucous membranes of the airways.

Diet: a poor diet, rich in refined foods and free radicals, destabilises the collagen structure, while a deficiency in vitamin C, essential amino acids or zinc leads to a reduction in collagen biosynthesis.

Lifestyle: a sedentary lifestyle without regular physical activity leads to a reduction in the body's general metabolism and, at the same time, a reduction in collagen production.


rissige Haut

Signs of a lack of collagen


  • The appearance of wrinkles: collagen is responsible for the skin's tone, firmness and elasticity. A collagen deficiency naturally leads to sagging skin, wrinkles and fine lines.

  • Dryness: collagen plays a role in moisturising the skin, and a deficiency can quickly lead to dry, rough skin.

  • Healing: a lack of collagen considerably reduces the skin's ability to regenerate after an injury or wound. This results in more extensive scarring.


  • Joint pain and osteoarthritis: collagen is an important constituent of cartilage, whose main functions are shock absorption and lubrication, and a lack of collagen can cause a progressive loss of cartilage cushions, leading to inflammation and increasingly intense joint pain. If this situation persists, the pain and inflammation can become chronic, known as osteoarthritis.

  • Dislocations and sprains: collagen is just as important for the ligaments that hold joints in place. A collagen deficiency can cause the ligaments to relax, leading to significant joint weakness and increasing the risk of a sprain or dislocation at the slightest false move.

Other signs:

  • Brittle hair: it is well established that hair health is directly linked to collagen supply. In fact, a lack of collagen makes hair fragile and brittle. Collagen supplementation seems to solve the problem.
  • Muscle weakness: collagen is an important constituent of muscles, not only helping to maintain their structure and mechanical properties, but many studies have shown that collagen supplementation positively regulates energy levels in muscles.


gesundes Essen

Preventing collagen deficiency

Prevention is better than cure. In fact, it's better to avoid problems linked to a lack of collagen than to treat the symptoms. All you need to do is:

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, favouring foods that boost collagen biosynthesis, such as those rich in vitamin C, zinc and essential amino acids.

  • Regular physical activity

  • Stay away from all sources of pollution, smoke and gases, including tobacco

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun

  • Keep regularly hydrated

  • Practice relaxing activities such as yoga to avoid or relieve stress

  • Consider taking collagen supplements, e.g. in the form of collagen powder or collagen capsules.


Multi Kollagen Pulver Front


Collagen is an essential constituent of all the body's organs, forming part of the structure of most of them and playing a number of vital roles within them. However, several factors can inhibit its production or accelerate its breakdown, leading to a deficiency with harmful consequences. It is therefore essential to recognise this deficiency so that it can be treated as quickly as possible.

Image credits: Pictures from Europeana, Alexander Grey, Brooke Lark on Unsplash

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